Permanent Makeup

Some individuals are not suitable for treatments involving semi-permanent makeup. If one or more of the following applies to you, I will be unable to treat you: 

  • Under 18 years of age
  • Diabetic 
  • Pregnant and lactating
  • With glaucoma and people who are taking blood thinning medicines (e.g., aspirin).
  • With skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and undiagnosed rashes or blisters on the site that is to be treated.
  • With allergies to makeup or colors
  • With easily triggered posting flammatory  hyperpigmentation are not good candidates
  • With transmittable blood conditions like HIV or Hepatitis
  • Active skin cancer in the area to be tattooed
  • Are a hemophiliac
  • Healing disorders, on blood thinners, uncontrolled high blood pressure or had mitral valve Disorder.
  • On any skin medication such as Accutane and steroids which thin and over sensitize the skin.

Pre Treatment

  • Do not pick/tweeze/wax/perform electrolysis one week before procedure.
  • Do not tan two weeks prior or have sunburned face.
  • Do not have any type of facial/peel 2 weeks prior to treatment.
  • Discontinue Vitamin A/Retinol products one week prior to treatment.
  • Do not work out the day of the procedure.
  • Do not take Fish Oil, Vitamin E, Ibuprofen, Aspirin one week prior (blood thinners).
  • Do not wax or tint your eyebrows 3 days before the procedure.
  • Do not drink alcohol 24 – 48 hours before your tattoo.
  • Do not consume coffee before your procedure.
  • Discontinue your lash growth serum one week prior your eyeliner appointment.

The following treatments should avoided within four weeks of the procedure:

  • Botox or other fillers 
  • Chemical Peels/Laser treatments


Generally, eyebrows and lips last up to 1.5-2 years and eyeliner lasts 2-3 years. Please note that results vary depending on a client's skin type, aftercare and lifestyle (sun exposure, chemical peel).

Each client’s skin will react differently to the pigment. Some skin types retain pigments better than others but on average, most clients need a touch up session every 18 months.

A procedure may vary according to each individual's pain threshold. Most clients feel comfortable during the procedure – you may feel some pressure, pinching or a mild pricking sensation as the face is a sensitive part of the body.

Prior to the procedure a topical anesthetic will be applied to numb the area, and also reapplied during the procedure if necessary. Everyone responds differently to anesthetics, however the pain level for the procedure is considered mild to none. Topical anesthetics used may contain lidocaine, prilocaine, benzocaine, tetracaine and epinephrine.

After the procedure, redness and slight swelling in the area is normal. Clients describe the area feeling similar to a light sunburn. Clients can take Tylenol but not aspirin or ibuprofen.

Allergic reactions to permanent cosmetic procedures are extremely rare. The cosmetic pigments are medical-grade and manufactured from completely natural ingredients. We use disposable sterile needles and latex-free surgical gloves for every procedure. Hygiene is the most important factor!

Yes, your eyebrows will look more natural than your own conventional make-up. Unless you tell somebody you've had the procedure, they'll never know. Our method are either based on "natural-looking" hair strokes for brows or a powdered effect.

Depending on your skin type you may experience minimal redness and swelling ( lips ). Colors will appear darker and somewhat unnatural for the first few days and then lighten to a more natural look during the following weeks.

Procedure time can slightly vary depending on each client’s skin types. Average procedure time is approximately 2-3 hours including the pre-draw and pre- numb.

5-8 weeks after the initial session, a follow-up visit is required to perfect the initial result. (Follow-up visit takes 1 hour) Depending on your skin type, the color will fade by 20-30% from the initial session. Follow-ups are highly recommended 5-8 weeks after the 1st visit. Certain areas may not pick up during the first session and will need to be refilled.

Pigment color may need to be adjusted, brow thickness and more strokes can be added. Individuals with oily skin often require a deeper shade during the touch up session as the oils tend to lighten the pigment. Most importantly, your touch up session is when we refine your brows to ensure it looks perfect and retains the color for the whole year.

Touch up sessions should not be done earlier than 5 weeks after initial session as pigment color has not fully settled into the skin. Most importantly, this is to prevent scar damage as the tissue requires time to completely heal.

The average cost for the procedure is based on the procedure time and the technician’s expertise.Our Prices start from $550 to $650, depending on the techniques used and time of sessions.

The longevity of semi-permanent makeup really depends on lifestyle, activities, and personal care. UV exposure, the usage of medications, excessively dry skin and smoking can all affect your results.

Alpha-hydroxy, Retin-A, glycolic acids must be kept away from treated areas. Usage of these components will cause fading of pigmentation that will require additional maintenance over time.

Applying sunscreen on treated areas will greatly prolong the longevity of the procedure.

Pigment retention can vary between skin types. Most of cases they remain the shape with less color. Some clients may need a touch up every 18 months to refresh the color and shape.

Simply wash your face with faciel soap on treated area twice a day (morning and night), followed by the provided aftercare butter 3 times a day for a total of 5 days.

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